Folake Ani-Mumuney

General Manage and Head, Marketing and Corporate Communication, First Bank of Nigeria Plc.

Folake Ani-Mumuney is a seasoned marketing communicator with many years of experience in diverse industries such as Banking and Finance, Manufacturing and Aviation. She is currently the head of marketing and Corporate Communictions, First Bank of Nigeria Limited, the flag ship subsidairy of FBN Holdings Plc.

As general manager and head of marketing and corporate communication, Folake Ani-Mumuney is responsible for the First Bank brand, with functions that include brand strategy development, design and advertising, communications and public relations management, web and online, as well as corporate social responsibility.

She joined Nigeria’s foremost financial institution from British Airways where she was responsible for brand policies and communication in 59 countries across Europe and Africa region, as a business analyst, strategy and business planning manager, new business development manager, head of marketing and communications manager for Africa. She had also served as chief marketing and communication officer at Dangote Industries Limited, the largest diversified business conglomerate in Africa with interest in Manufacturing, refineries, milling etc.

There must be something special about Folake to earn the confidence of all these corporate giants to entrust her with the responsibility of managing their image and reputation. those close to her descbribed her as a workaholic and a perfectionist who always strive for the best in whatever she does.

Ani-Mumuney holds a Bachelors degree in Philosophy from the University of Lagos and an LLB from the University of Buckingham, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. She also holds Computing Systems Analysis and Design, as well as several certificates from executives from management courses attended. She is an Honorary Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (HCIB), a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing UK (MCIM) and serves in an advosory capacity to many organisations on branding and marketing communication issues. Folake sits on a handful of boards and contributes to several NGO’s aligned to the delivery of the Millennium Development Goals.